Ugh! Probably the commercial that makes me cringe the most is the KiaFest Year-End spot with the "Maniac" song from "Flashdance." Here is a company who brand already gets the least respect out of 13 brands in the USA and they come out with this cheesy pizza. It is supposed to be funny(which it is to some people), but why make fun of yourself and your dealers? Does the commercial make you want to get a Kia or think better of Kia? I don't think so. The $500/ 0% APR is sort of thrown in at the very end like a footnote. Hope it works for you Kia!
Another unavoidable spot is the Chevy Malibu ad..."the car you can't ignore" because we are blanketing all channels with our "totally fake computer generated car, because an actual video won't look good enough". The Malibu has some decent lines. It is way better looking than the last iteration. However I thought the classy interior creates a more gut response than the exterior. Too bad none of the commercials show any of that. Instead we get misleading quotes like "Camry beware..." This Car and Driver quote was from a car show preview, not from after a test drive.
I am feeling the Saturn ads with the montage including Lance Armstrong. This brand has a lot in common with Hyundai in wanting people to reconsider its cars after disappointing many customers. And their approach to marketing (Rethink vs. think About It) is very similar as well.
Most impressive are those Toyota Tundra commercials with the truck doing super truck feats. Don't know if that is CG or real, but they are really slick. Will they loosen the grip Chevy and Ford have on the good ol boys? Jury is still out.
I also didn't think much of the Hyundai Holi-DUH ad. It wants us to think Hyundai for the holidays, but offers no compelling reasons to do so. I mean the cars featured (or I should say "present" in the commercial, because no car was really featured) are all silver and look so darn anonymous. You gotta make the cars look desirable, dudes! At least the Mazda "Most Wanted" sales features close-ups of its cars and in colors to distinguish themselves from one anothers.
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