Friday, December 21, 2007

Pink Slip, First Accident!

Odometer: 2856 miles
Avg. MPG: 26.5

What's happened since the last post? I received my pink slip! Car is no longer owned by Hyundai Motor Finance. Hooray! Not so hooray... I don't own it free and clear yet, since I charged some on my credit card.

Got into my first accident. While I was leaving work to go to our Christmas lunch, I backed into a co-worker's car as he was moving out. I did not know he was there. I thought I was the only car there, so I just pulled out like I normally do.

No dents. There are just a couple of tiny scratches on the right bumper now.

The co-worker has a real old car, so he didn't care. I just apologized as nice as I could and we went to the lunch. Did the first scratch feel like a kick in the gut? Did I want to pull out my hair. No, surprisingly. Was kind of relieved for some reason. And of course embarrassed for hitting my co-worker's car.

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