Avg. MPG: 23.8
This average MPG figure is from the digital trip meter.
I had reset the meter when I last filled up and planned on refilling the tank after - according to the trip meter - after I use up around 10 gallons. Basically if my MPG was 24, I would go refill when my trip odometer read 240. Follow me so far. And then check when I fill up, does the pump stop at 10 gallons. Sure there are a lot of variables, like maybe the pump isn't accurate. I said this was unscientific.
Well I wasn't able to do exactly that. I filled up when the trip meter read 255.7 miles and the MPG read 23.8. I filled up and gas pump read 10.41 gallons.
Based on 10.41 gallons and 255.7 miles, my MPG should be 24.56.
Base on the 255.7 miles and the trip meter's MPG reading of 23.8, I should've used up 10.78 gallons.
My gas mileage has gone down even more in the winter. Probably because I am using the heater and lights more and because I've been doing more city driving than usual.
Conclusion: You can't come to any firm conclusion without researching further, and if I did further research I really would be obsessing about this too much. So I 'hope' this test means I am getting slightly better gas mileage than my trip meter is indicating. That would make my day.

In other news, my Euroflange alloy wheels which so awesomely show off my 4-wheel disc brakes to the world is now showing some ugly rust on 3 out of 4 disc brakes. Rust sucks. And so does vanity. I will bring it up to the dealer when I visit next.